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Economy in Schleswig-Holstein

Last update: 2015.03.24

Extensive and well-maintained infrastructure systems contribute to Schleswig-Holstein’s economic success.

Ein Bauarbeiter blickt hoch zu einem riesigen Bauteil für eine Windkraftanlage. A worker looking at a large part of a wind engine.

Be it cargo handling or logistic planning – Schleswig-Holstein is in touch with its partners all over the world through trade.

Small and medium-sized businesses form the backbone of Schleswig-Holstein’s economy.

Qualified workforce and cheap labor cost

Education is one of Schleswig-Holstein’s strong points. The northernmost Bundesland is systematically developing its diverse network of private and public universities and institutions of higher education. Companies in Schleswig-Holstein are considerably more willing to train future skilled workers than other federal states in Germany. This highly educated workforce is coupled with formidable financial conditions regarding labor cost, corporate taxes and industrial real estate prices.

Only very few federal states with a large area and low population density can boast a more favorable relationship between labor costs and productivity than Schleswig-Holstein. In addition to that, Schleswig-Holstein’s average trade taxes are the lowest among all Federal States in Germany’s west.

Schleswig-Holstein also features a wealth of industrial real estate as well as industrial and commercial parks with exceptionally well-developed infrastructure. Check out the database operated by WTSH, the Business Development and Technology Transfer Corporation of Schleswig-Holstein, for a quick look at a complete list of what’s on offer.

Favorable location in northern Europe

The Baltic Sea region is developing into a dynamic market which is boosted by such future-oriented infrastructure projects as the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link across the Baltic Sea or the so-called Baltic Sea highway that connects Schleswig-Holstein with Eastern Europe.

Schleswig-Holstein does not only have an advantageous geographical location, it is also home to an array of fast-growing industry clusters. Among those future-oriented industries, you can find biotechnology, renewable energy technology, medical technology, information and communications technology, the food industry, the maritime industry and environmental technology.

Attractive living conditions

The quality of life is exceptionally high in Schleswig-Holstein – living close to nature and working in the city can easily be combined thanks to an extensive, well-maintained network of roads and highways. According to a study on behalf of the German Post, people from Schleswig-Holstein are the happiest of all Germans.

Best-suited for small- and medium-sized businesses

In Schleswig-Holstein, economic policy means policy for small- and medium-sized businesses. The State’s public funding bodies and development banks work together in the "Center for the Economy" in Kiel. If you are interested in setting up your business in Schleswig-Holstein, just contact the Business Development and Technology Transfer Corporation of Schleswig-Holstein (WTSH). It is organized as a one-stop office that coordinates all the steps involved in starting a business.

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