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Ministry of Social Affairs, Youth, Family, Senior Citizens, Integration and Equality

Last update: 2022.07.05

Aminata Touré, Minister of Social Affairs, Youth, Familie, Senior Citizens, Integration and Equality.

Minister Aminata Touré and Secretary of State, Johannes Albig, are in charge of the Social Affairs, Youth, Family, Senior Citizens, Integration and Equality of the Land Schleswig-Holstein (in short: “Ministry of Social Affairs").

In the area of social policy, the tasks range from occupational health and safety for employees to issues of care or the participation of people with disabilities to senior citizens' policy. In the area of families, too, the tasks are diverse. The spectrum ranges from child protection and early assistance to the participation of children and young people and responsibility for daycare centers. In addition to all these aspects of services of general interest, the ministry naturally also accompanies the shaping of these policy fields at the federal level.

With regard to the social policy sector, national legislation extensively determines social policy through the German Central Government. The consequence is that the Ministry is assigned the task of presentation and structuring, in order to promote the implementation of laws and to support that is to supervise persons taking an active role in the process (particularly local authorities, social insurance agencies and associations).

Overview of duties

Family policy

With the daycare reform, the state is investing an additional 1 billion euros in daycare centers and daycare for children. The Act to Strengthen Quality in Child Day Care (Kita Reform Act) was developed in a joint participation process involving the state, parents, providers and municipalities that is unique in Germany. Parents, municipalities, daycare centers and the youngest children in Schleswig-Holstein will benefit from this!


An equally important focus is on strengthening working and living conditions in the care sector. In addition, there is the implementation of the nursing profession reform. The aim of the reform is to modernize nursing training, make it more attractive and upgrade the nursing profession as a whole.

Integration and immigration

From the first apartment to the German course to naturalization. The ministry also takes care of the topic "Integration and Immigration" and is thus responsible for all people who are looking for a new home in Schleswig-Holstein.


In addition, the ministry is responsible for gender equality in Schleswig-Holstein and the protection of women against violence.

Further duties

  • Children, youth and family policy
  • Social and disabled policy
  • Senior citizens policy
  • Social systems
  • occupational safety and health
  • kindergartens

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