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Ministry of Finance

Last update: 2022.07.05

Porträtfoto von Monika Heinold
Monika Heinold, Minister of Finance.

The Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Finance is responsible for the state budget, the state’s financial authorities, tax administration, federal budget issues, the management of the state’s shareholding, the state’s building management administration and public procurement.


4.100 employees work for the Schleswig-Holstein ministry of finance, most of them in the tax administration. As a supreme administrative authority, the ministry supervises the financial authorities, i.e. tax administration.

Due to its responsibility for the state’s budget, the Ministry of Finance works closely with the parliament’s Financial Committee.

Other state authorities, local authorities, and public administration in general take advantage of the services the state’s building management administration and public procurement provides.

As a member of the State’s government, the Minister of Finance works closely with the other Ministers, with the Financial Committee of the federal council of Germany, and other important institutions at local, state, and federal level.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Finance provides information to the press as well as the public, through online information, in the field of information, press and public relations, by inviting for and attending to public events, visits, and more.

State Budget

As a tax administration authority, the Ministry of Finance is responsible for the state’s public revenues. Every year the Ministry is negotiating with other ministries on their budgets for the coming financial year. It prepares the parliamentary budget debate, which in the state of Schleswig-Holstein takes place in autumn. In addition, it controls the budget management, including medium-term financial framework.

Financial equalization among the German Länder in the federal system of revenue redistribution as well as financial negotiations on federal level complete the Ministry’s budget responsibility.

Tax administration

The Ministry of Finance holds the technical supervision over Schleswig-Holstein’s 17 tax authorities. It ensures that the tax law is applied in the sense of fair taxation everywhere along the same lines.

Building management administration and public procurement

GMSH, “Gebäudemanagement Schleswig-Holstein“ (Building Management Schleswig-Holstein) contributes to an increase in efficiency in all areas of public construction as well as building management and procurement, thus making a contribution to reducing the public budgets. It sees itself as a partner of the economy. Finally, the GMSH is the central procurement organization for the state administration, and provides services to state, local, and other public authorities and institutions.

Duties overview

  • state budget and tax administration
  • state shareholding
  • state budget and financial framework
  • revenue redistribution among the German Länder
  • building management and procurement.


Düsternbrooker Weg 64, 24105 Kiel

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