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Ministry for Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature

Last update: 2022.07.05

Porträtfoto von Tobias Goldschmidt
Tobias Goldschmidt, Minister for Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature.

Who we are:

The staff employed by the Ministry for Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature is highly qualified, motivated and experienced; very many of them are scientists, engineers, lawyers or experts in business management or computer science. The Ministry’s main job consists of coastal and ocean protection, flood control and climate protection, nature conservation and environmental protection.

What we do:

One of the Ministry’s overarching goals is to harmonize economic and ecological interests. A profitable and innovative economy coupled with the location-specific advantages offered by an intact cultivated landscape with pure water and clean air is most in tune with the protection of nature. This vision forms the indispensible, long-term foundation upon which a livable Schleswig-Holstein and successful economic activity rests.

Since three quarters of Schleswig-Holstein’s borders are demarcated by the waters of the Elbe River, the Baltic and the North Sea, coastal and ocean protection and flood control naturally play an important role as well.

Moreover, the fields of climate protection, nature conservation and the protection of endangered species are given high priority and are included in the Ministry’s permanent portfolio.

Six departments are responsible for implementing these aims and objectives: the Department of Central Services, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Areas, the Department of Consumer Protection and Veterinary Affairs, the Department for Water Management, Ocean and Coastal Protection, the Department for Nature Conservation, Forestry and Hunting and the Department for Technical Environmental Protection and Climate Protection. The Ministry is also in charge of the State Agency for Agriculture, the Environment and Rural Areas, the Government-Owned Company for Coastal Protection, National Parks and Ocean Protection, the State Laboratory of Schleswig-Holstein, the Academy for Nature and the Environment, and the State’s Forestry Authorities.

Ministerium für Energiewende, Klimaschutz, Umwelt und Natur

Mercatorstraße 3, 24106 Kiel

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