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The Minister-President and the State Chancellery

Last update: 2023.07.03

Porträtfoto von Ministerpräsident Daniel Günther
Minister-President Daniel Günther.

As Head of Government, Minister-President Daniel Günther (curriculum vitae) determines the broad guidelines of the government policy for Schleswig-Holstein. He appoints male and female ministers and represents the Land Schleswig-Holstein in all its matters externally. His duties are comparable to those assigned to the Federal Chancellor and even to those of the Federal President. The Minister-President is the employer of around 56.000 employees working for the regional government. Civil servants and employees of the public administration, as well as school teaching staff and police officers belong hereto.

The State Chancellery in Kiel

The State Chancellery is the centre of administration of the government of the Land and works directly for the Minister-President. The Head of the State Chancellery and Minister for Digital Transformation is Dirk Schrödter.

The State Chancellery plans the main political activities of the Land Government and coordinates the activities of the seven ministries, for instance in the cabinet. It is responsible for public relations, for presenting the Land Government on the internet and for media policy. Cultural policy, interdepartmental human resource planning and the organisation development for the entire Land administration are further fields of activity as well as awards, distinctions and protocol matters. The government spokesperson is Vivien Albers who is also responsible for the press related to the Land Government.


Der Ministerpräsident - Staatskanzlei

Düsternbrooker Weg 104, 24105 Kiel

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