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Thema : Ankommen in Schleswig-Holstein

Voluntary repatriation

It is the intention in Schleswig-Holstein to allow immigrants and asylum-seekers to return to their own country or to move to another country with dignity and whenever possible voluntarily with no pressure from state authorities.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 28.03.2017

However whenever the official obligation to leave the country is not followed, deportation proceedings will be enforced. There are a number of offers of information and advice and various repatriation programmes available for persons obliged and/or willing to leave the country. The aim is to support such persons in their efforts, allowing them

  • to reach their own decision on the basis of comprehensive information,
  • to develop realistic prospects for their future existence, and
  • to exploit such assistance and support to meet their own individual needs, e.g. by offering to pay for travel costs, to make start-up support available or to provide reintegration programmes.

Informationen offered by BAMF

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) also provides comprehensive information on voluntary repatriation and on the availability of various forms of promotion programmes and advisory services compiled for this purpose; it has also set up a repatriation hotline in the German and English languages.

Online Portal on voluntary return

Rückkehr-Hotline 0911/ 943-0

Further information may be found under the following links:

BAMF Informationen zur Rückkehrberatung

Ergänzende Informationen

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